Our Regulator Working Groups are monthly online 1h meetings, where our members come together and discuss the key issues inherent to the regulation of our payment industry in Europe, as well as the evolution of our industry in general.
Please note that our events are reserved for members and about to become members. If you are not yet a member join us now and don't miss out on any of these great events!
This months meeting will focus on:
The evolution of digital payments in Italy and the cooperation with market operators.
The main drivers of the retail payments area development of - challenges and opportunities of digitalization (macro trends related to market - e.g., changing in consumer preferences - and regulatory phenomena)
Topic 1:
Italian market trends also with reference to the European ones
Topic 2:
The importance of cooperation between authorities and market participants (focus on the Italian Payment Committee and its recent activities) :
Setting up of 3 thematic working groups.
Final note:
Quick mention to the other innovation facilitators managed by the Bank of Italy, with a focus on Milano Hub and the Third Call for Proposals.
Head of the Retail payment instruments and services Division at Banca d'Italia
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