Sep 23, 2022
1663941600As Director Payments & Market Infrastructure at the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), Inge is responsible for payments and collateral services, as well related retail and wholesale policy and research work. Her responsibilities include the oversight of critical payment and securities infrastructures and the cybercrime / TIBER team. She is vice-chair of the MOB (local ERBP). She is a member of the Eurosystem Market Infrastructure Board and a member of the High Level Task Force Digital Euro at the ECB. At the FSB she is a member of the working group Regulatory Issues on Stablecoin.
From 2015 till 2019, she lead the Dutch Instant Payments program on behalf of the Dutch Payments Association and the Dutch banks, launching it succesfully to the market mid 2019.
Before that she worked for ING for nearly a decade a.o. as Director Payments & Cash Management, implementing of SEPA across Europe and drafting ING’s global vision with regard to instant payments, cross-border payments and remittances.
Prior to ING, Inge held various management positions in the cards and retail payments sector with equens (now equensWorldline) and with Eurocard (now MasterCard).
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