Tickets and Sponsor packs are available down below.

The Payments Association EU brings you the must-attend "Payments Tomorrow" conference at the Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel hotel in Paris on October 10!

Why should you attend?

Filled with top speakers from all over Europe, the conference will be an amazing opportunity for a business conversation between our members about the long term evolution of the EU payments landscape. We will discuss key challenges and opportunities, including AI, cross-border payments, PSD3, Open Banking, Embedded commerce, instant payments regulation and the digital euro.

This event is also a great family gathering of the ladies and gentlemen in our industry who want to exchange their views and deepen their relationships , therefore we've added the PA EU touch:

  • a gourmet lunch for all participants to enjoy French cuisine
  • a grand Afterparty after the conferenceto round off the day with our usual happy networking extravaganza. A wonderful opportunity to meet and engage with other payments actors across France and Europe.







From Cash to CBDCs - a CPMI analytical work

Alberto Di Iorio - Bank for International Settlements

Alongside promoting the safety and the efficiency of payments, clearing and settlement the BIS Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) monitors and analyses developments in these arrangements. The presentation will discuss key findings from two unique data sources: Red Book statistics and the BIS survey on central bank digital currencies and crypto.
















Keynote: European payments at a crossroads

Erick Lacourrège - Banque de France

In this session, Erick Lacourrège will explore key topics including sovereignty, monetary anchoring, combating payment fragmentation, and the risks associated with disintermediation.


  • Alberto Di Iorio - Bank for International Settlements (Visiting Member of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) Secretariat at BIS)

    Alberto Di Iorio - Bank for International Settlements

    Visiting Member of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) Secretariat at BIS

    More Information

  • Eric Ducoulombier - European Commission (Head of the Retail and Payments Unit, DG FISMA at European Commission)

    Eric Ducoulombier - European Commission

    Head of the Retail and Payments Unit, DG FISMA at European Commission

    More Information

  • Erick Lacourrège - Banque de France (Director General Currency and Retail Payments of Banque de France)

    Erick Lacourrège - Banque de France

    Director General Currency and Retail Payments of Banque de France

    More Information

  • Peter Theunis - BPC (SVP Sales at BPC)

    Peter Theunis - BPC

    SVP Sales at BPC

    More Information


Do not miss out on the exciting opportunity of becoming a sponsor at the conference!

If you wish to become a sponsor, now is your chance to do so!

For more information download the brochure below or contact us directly.

Sponsors and Partners


  • MEMBER Single Ticket - Company NOT registered with French VAT


    Member Price

    1x Delegate pass
    1x Conference attendance
    1x After Party attendance (registration is needed, otherwise you won't be able to attend)
    1x French gastronomic lunch
    1x Professional photoshoot

    Buy Ticket
  • MEMBER Single Ticket - Company registered with French VAT


    Member Price

    1x Delegate pass
    1x Conference attendance
    1x After Party attendance (registration is needed, otherwise you won't be able to attend)
    1x French gastronomic lunch
    1x Professional photoshoot

    Buy Ticket
  • NON MEMBER Single Ticket - Company NOT registered with French VAT


    Public Price

    1x Delegate pass
    1x Conference attendance
    1x After Party attendance (registration is needed, otherwise you won't be able to attend)
    1x French gastronomic lunch
    1x Professional photoshoot

    Buy Ticket
  • NON MEMBER Single Ticket - Company registered with French VAT


    Public Price

    1x Delegate pass
    1x Conference attendance
    1x After Party attendance (registration is needed, otherwise you won't be able to attend)
    1x French gastronomic lunch
    1x Professional photoshoot

    Buy Ticket